A Way of Direct Bone Anchorage of Craniofacial Prothesis (Epithesis) – Panama

Información sobre el curso

A Way of Direct Bone Anchorage of Craniofacial Prothesis (Epithesis) – Panama

Información sobre el curso

2.000,00 € (plus the statutory rate of VAT)

Course Date TBA

Panama City, Panama

15 Participants

More courses are planned

A Way of Direct Bone Anchorage of Craniofacial Prothesis (Epithesis) – Panama


Dear collegues,


Rehabilitation of patients with craniofacial defects caused by innate malformation, trauma or tumor surgery, was revolutionized by the method of direct bone anchorage of craniofacial prosthesis (epithesis). By no other means, such a good retention of the prosthesis could be achieved. Thereby, the physician is able to offer a reliable and cosmetically sophisticated concept for rehabilitation after surgical tumor therapy. This is especially important, when surgery means an ablative procedure with complete resection of facial organs like the nose, the ear or the orbita (exenteration). Osseo-integrated bone anchorage by titanium implants and the following prosthetic care is of great benefit for the patients with craniofacial defects.


Over a considerable period of time, the Epiplating System proved to be very versatile, allowing to place implants in (almost) all defects. Especially in complex bony situations (e.g. small amount of bone due to localization or extent of the defect), the Epiplating System enables reliable sufficient anchorage.


We would be happy to welcome you to this course giving you the possibility to communicate experiences and to learn from experts in an international surrounding.


Be our guest – Welcome to Panama,

PD Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Kai Wermker and Dr. Guido Esquivel

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