Meet our
development partners in Plastic Surgery

We are proud to support surgical performance with some of the masters in plastic surgery. 

Prof. Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Gubisch

Modern Rhinoplasty

Nose corrections are among the most frequent operations performed in the field of cosmetic plastic surgery. However, the proportion of operations with an unsatisfactory outcome is relatively high. In addition to the experience and skill of the surgeon, another decisive factor determining the success of nose corrections is the quality of the instruments used. For a number of different reasons it would therefore appear to make sense to have available a set of instruments which is as compact and as high in quality as possible....

In cooperation with Medicon, I have created an instrument set designed specifically with corrective nasal surgery in mind. This instrument set is continously enlarged and adapted to new operating techniques. Particular attention was paid to ensuring that the instruments exercise the minimum possible traumatising effect but at the same time the chisels are sharp enough to easily ensure smooth cutting edges in the bone and eliminate comminuted fractures.

Gubisch Modern Rhinoplasty

Daniel-Gubisch Rib Harvest Set

Dr. Dr. med. Wolfgang Funk

PRESTO – Preservation of the Retaining Ligaments and the SMAS tethering

The PRESTO technique is the technique that complies with patients' expectations which, according to scientific research, include naturalness, youthfulness, freshness and attractiveness. The PRESTO technique is furthermore a fast, secure and identity-preserving technique that ensures outstanding, long-lasting results....

The initial efforts to dissect the SMAS to varying extents with opening of the retaining ligaments, also in the sense of a super-extended facelift, resulted in maximum force transfer at the dissected ends of the SMAS. Overextension at the basal structure and thus a dynamic sign of the operated face was almost inevitable and presented a great challenge for surgeons and patients alike. The retaining elements, i.e. the combination of retaining ligaments and interlayer septae, must be preserved in order to achieve a dynamic force transmission via the SMAS. Thus, segmental force distribution is ensured, and overextension as well as a dynamic sign of the operated face is avoided. Furthermore, the retaining elements guarantee the preservation of the personal identity which defines our facial appearance. The identity is protected by the preservation of the retaining element, thus counteracting alienation of the personality.


Medicon Course with Dr. Funk - register now and get on the waiting list

21. - 22. November 2024
Free seats left

Dr. Sebastian Haack

followed Professor Dr. med. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Gubisch as Medical Director of the clinic for Facial Plastic Surgery at Marienhospital, Stuttgart, Germany. Dr. Sebastian Haack shares his extensive practical experience in lectures and Live- Surgeries with national and international medical specialists. He is one of the nine members of the commission for developing German guidelines for performing nasal surgeries. ...

Using his wealth of experience and sound knowledge in the area of Rhinoplasty he developed the following product in collaboration with Medicon:



Haack Adapter

"Haack Adapter" for the Re-Fixation of the Septum

Medicon Course with Dr. Haack - register now and get on the waiting list

Rhinoplasty Close Up
05. - 06. December 2024
Free seats left

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