For fixation

in orthognatic maxillary


Development partner:

Prof. Dr. Dr. Jan Rustemeyer,

Klinikum Bremen-Mitte

LeFort I Platte
OP bild Le Fort I Platte
OP-Bild LeFort I Platte

Saves time and effort

Saves time and effort

Fixation is paranasally and in the area of the zygomatic prominence – along the trajectories

Fixation is paranasally and in the area of the zygomatic prominence – along the trajectories

Alternative to the application of the Mini L and T plates

Alternative to the application of the Mini L and T plates

Avoidance of complex bending

Avoidance of complex bending

Special design can also be used for particularly demanding anatomies

Special design can also be used for particularly demanding anatomies

Can be applied on both sides, lower storage costs

Can be applied on both sides, lower storage costs

H-shape increases stability and reduces material thickness on MICRO plates (0.6 mm)

H-shape increases stability and reduces material thickness on MICRO plates (0.6 mm)

The exemplary scenario in our case example illustrates how the plate acc. Rustemeyer can be used as part of a Le Fort I osteotomy.

The documentation aims to give you an insight into the possible handling and the
pre- and postoperative course of an orthognathic procedure.

Please note that individual results may vary and the use of the Le Fort I plate acc. Rustemeyer should be based on the individual clinical assessment of the treating physician.
Case Example
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Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Jan Rustemeyer
Director of the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Bremen, Germany

Dr. Gabriel Duran
Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, ”Grupo Ortofacial”, Manizales, Columbia

Barbara Schneider
Head of Business Unit CMF, Medicon eG, Germany

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