Sternal Fixation – Sternal Closure System

Sternal Fixation - Sternal Closure System

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The titanium sternal closure system allows rigid internal fixation of the sternum after sternotomy or sternal fracture. A wide range of titanium plates are available to fit the anatomical structures and individual clinical requirements.

Titanium Plates
  • Reduced bar thickness at osteotomy for Fast Emergency Access
  • Angular Locking Function
  • Low Profile Plates
  • Screw heads are countersunk in plate holes for reduced palpability
Titanium Screws
  • Perfect Screw Retention
  • Cancellous Screw Design
  • Screw insertion of up to 15°

The Medicon SternalFixation system is currently only available in the United States of America. Please reach out to your Medicon representative to check the availability of the system in your country.

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Prospekt Sternal Fixation
Sternal Fixation – Sternal Closure System

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