Autologous rib cartilage is often used for the reconstruction in rhinoplasty and auricular plastic. The “Rib Harvest Set” is utilized for harvesting through a minimal invasive incision.
- Parker-Langenbeck Retractors: the teeth allow the spreading of the soft tissue without slipping
- Daniel-Gubisch Raspatories: the raspatories are available in three curvatures, curved tips and especially sharpened blades, making it possible to slightly lifttheperichondrium all the way around without causing any damage
- Daniel-Gubisch Rib Raspatories: Raspatories are much finer than conventional rib graft harvesting raspatories. Ideally suited for extracting cartilage
- Double-ended Daniel-Gubisch Raspatory: With its sharp rounded end and the flat abrasive end it is perfectly suited for removing the perichondrium