Pedicle Screw System “mediRod®”-Tri for Stabilizing the Spine

Pedicle Screw System "mediRod®"-Tri for Stabilizing the Spine

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Developed in cooperation with: PD Dr. med. Heinrich Böhm

The Pedicle Screw System is used for the segmental stabilization of two or more vertebras of the thoracal or lumbar spine. Amongst others degenerative diseases are most frequent indications. The system offers the advantage of pedicle screws to be completed in situ.It has been adapted to the approach of open and percutaneous technique, even when applying polyaxial screw heads to be completed in situ. The „mediRod®“-Tri system offers the possibility of placing the polyaxial head onto the initially inserted cannulated pedicle screw after carrying out the minimal-invasive decompression of spinal canal.

  • Avoids the use of the K-wire and reduces surgery time
  • No risk of the K-wire migrationand reduced X-ray exposure
  • Screw type and perfectly adapted positioning instruments offer multiple options for surgeons and patients
  • During effort-intensive procedures like scoliosis surgeries the stable connection between screw head and holding sleeve assures a safe surgery
  • The OR staff benefits from a reduced number of instruments that are applicable in a multifunctional manner as well as from a reduced size of the set
  • All screws are cannulated and offer the possibility to decide during the surgery whether to carry out an augmentation

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Prospekt MediRod_Tri
“mediRod®” -Tri

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