Course Information


Course Information

2.500,00 € (plus the statutory rate of VAT)

20. - 21. November 2025

Clinic Dr. Funk, Frau-Holle-Straße 32, 81739 Munich

9 Participants

Free seats left



Dear colleagues,


Producing youthful facial appearence by face lifting often comes along with an undesired loss of a patients individual phenotype characteristics. This may result from insufficient preservation of retaining ligaments, the “dynamic guardians of facial identity” and from complete severance of the intersegmental connections of the superficial musculo-aponeurotic
system (SMAS) which tether, structure and compartmentalize facial soft tissue into defined, cosmetically relevant anatomical zones.


How to do deep plane rhytidectomy easy, save, fast and protecting the personal identity?


– Identity
– Rhytidectomy
– SMAS technique
– Retaining ligaments
– Facelift
– Aesthetic surgery


With kind regards,
Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Funk

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