Dismantable Rongeurs “Medicon …DieBlauen. Comfort” with adjustable handle- and jaw opening

Dismantable Rongeurs "Medicon …DieBlauen. Comfort" with adjustable handle- and jaw opening

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The rongeurs „Medicon…DieBlauen.“ are used to cut bone, cartilage and tissue  at the skull  and the spinal column.  On the one hand removal of  hard bone  and strong tissue is possible with broad foot plates. On the other hand the extra flat foot plates is ideal for  thin and porous bone structures  and soft tissue at the cervical spine. Therefore  all indications are covered by the various versions of “Medicon …TheBlue.”.

  • Rongeurs with  three-step control element of handle – andj jaw opening
  • Increased handling comfort by  adjustable handles  to suit  all sizes of the human hand
  • Design ensures  effortless opening and closing

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Prospekt Die Blauen
Medicon …DieBLAUEN.

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