Distraction Devices – Intraoral Distraction Devices for Upper and Lower Jaw

Distraction Devices - Intraoral Distraction Devices for Upper and Lower Jaw

Distraction devices for intraoral application generally facilitate the lengthening of an under-developed mandible on one or both sides in the horizontal and ascending mandibular ramus. Special distraction devices can be used to obtain bone even from the median section of the mandible.

In each case, transantral distractors are arranged in pairs parallel to each other. The particular design of the miniplates for osteosynthesis allows the system to be highly versatile for its application to different bony surfaces; as well as to achieve an optimum “distraction vector” for implant prosthetic rehabilitation purpose.

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Prospekt Distraction Devices
Distraction Devices
Prospekt Transantral Distraction
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