Expandable Vertebral Body Replacement „mediExpand®“-TL

Expandable Vertebral Body Replacement „mediExpand®“-TL

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Developed in cooperation with: PD Dr. med. Heinrich Böhm

The expandable vertebral body replacement “mediExpand®”-TL was developed for reconstruction of the thoracic and lumbar spine after single or multilevel corpectomies as a result of tumors.

  • Two opposed threaded columns allow a variable extension and can be adjusted individually
  • Depending on the selected implant size, a bridging of the substantial defect of 15 – 50 mm is possible
  • Unique construction features of the vertebral body replacement provide special angle connections with the insertion instrument, which allow the implantation using the dorsolateral and lateral approach Diese erlauben eine Implantation über den dorsolateralen und lateralen Zugang.
  • Insertionis possible between the nerve roots using the dorsolateral approach due to the very low height of the construction
  • Very large contact surfaces of the “mediExpand®”-TL prevent sinking in into the base and top plate of the neighboring vertebral bodies and ensure tight anchoring with optimal dislocation protection
  • Surgeon can select from various sizes to compensate for the anatomical circumstances and the individual medical condition
  • Reliable and simple lot number traceability by “Trace-ID Pins” ensures a greater patient safety.

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Prospekt MediExpand TL
“mediExpand®”- TL

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Logo Neuro Spine

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