- MEDICON eG, Chirurgiemechaniker-Genossenschaft
Gänsäcker 15, D-78532 Tuttlingen
Dear collegues,
we are delighted to invite you to our 1st open minded hands-on surgical workshop „Segment Distraction“ for bony cleft-lip-palate closing in Cranio-Maxillofacial and Plastic Surgery.
This course is a comprehensive program for CMF- and Plastic Surgeons who pay special interest to secondary cleft lip surgery and osteoplasty surgery in patients with CLP.
The system has been developed to help approximate (misaligned) alveolar segments prior to osteoplasty in severe uni- and bilateral cleft-lip-palate cases. By reducing the width of the alveolar cleft and optimising the position of the lesser segment, consecutive alveolar bone grafting is facilitated. In detail, this technique reduces the need for extensive soft tissue mobilisation to cover wide alveolar clefts, decreases the amount of bone to be harvested and simplifies postoperative orthodontic treatment.
It is our ambition to share and follow each of our surgical steps and experience in this special challenging procedure. It gives you the unique opportunity to practise yourself in all essential surgical steps on fresh frozen specimen of excellent quality.
Open discussion and interactive exchange are desirable!
Next to this intensive course, please take the chance to visit our workshop location in Cologne. Cologne is one of Germany’s most historcial towns, very vibrant and colourful yet relaxing areas. Enjoy your time with us in Cologne!
Collegial regards,
Prof. Dr. med. Dr. med. dent. Wolfgang Zemann
Clinical Director Dept. of CMF-Surgery
University Hospital Graz – Austria
PD Dr. med. univ Dr. med. dent. Dr. scient. med. Michael Schwaiger
Dept. of CMF-Surgery
University Hospital Graz – Austria
*Mandatory information
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