Expandable Vertebral Body Replacement „mediExpand®“-TL

Expandable Vertebral Body Replacement „mediExpand®“-TL

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Developed in cooperation with: PD Dr. med. Heinrich Böhm

The MediExpand ® TL Expandable VBR System is a vertebral body replacement device indicated for use in the thoracolumbar spine (T1 to L5) to replace a diseased or damaged vertebral body caused by tumor or fracture, to restore the height of a collapsed vertebral body, and to achieve decompression of the spinal cord and neural tissues.

The MediExpand ® TL Expandable VBR System is intended to be used with supplemental internal spinal fixations systems that are cleared by the FDA for use in the thoracic and lumbar spine. Allograft or autograft material may be used at the surgeon’s discretion.

  • The 2-pillar architecture leads to increased stability and allows for better weight distribution.
  • The implant allows an adjustable expansion and precision height adjustment of up to 66% of the original implant size.
  • The adaptable angulated end plate allows for an optimal adaptation to the anatomical conditions (lordosis angle up to 30°)
  • Extension and angled end plate can be used on both sides
  • Toothed end plates provide optimum dislocation protection
  • Lateral approach
  • Posterolateral approach/TLIF technique
  • Reliable and simple lot number traceability by “Trace-ID Pins” ensures a greater patient safety.

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MediExpand® TL – Expandable Vertebral Body Replacement for Thoracic and Lumbar Spine

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