“mediCage®”-Cervical – Placeholder for Removed Vertebrae for the Cervical Spine

Application: Cervical spine
"mediCage®"-Cervical - Placeholder for Removed Vertebrae for the Cervical Spine
Developed in cooperation with: PD Dr. med. Heinrich Böhm

The „mediCage®“-Cervical is used for intercorporal fusion of the cervical spine . It is used for the immobilisation and stabilization of one or more segments of the cervical spine. The open design allows a safe positioning of the implant. After successful positioning unloaded endplate areas will be refreshed and cancellous bone can be inserted in situ. This ensures

 a safe anchoring  in the stable areas of the adjacent vertebrae and allows an optimal area  for the bony fusion.

  • Good view  of the dura and thereby a safe positioning of the cage under  direct visual control
  • Refreshing of unloaded endplate areas  in situ
  • Large area  for bony fusion
  • Anatomic shape  for restoration of the lordotic profile
  • secure anchoring  is assured in the stable zones of the neighboring vertebrae
  • Maximum space  for spongiosa filling
  • The surgeon can choose from  different sizes  for the compensation of anatomical circumstances as well as for the individual problems and symptoms
  • Reliable and  simple lot number traceability  by “Trace-ID Pins” ensures a  greater patient safety

Additional advantages of the PEEK-models

  • Excellent  X-ray transparency
  • X-ray positive pins allow a  secure postoperative control  of the bony fusion and if necessary a better determination of neurological complications
  • Post-operative control of bone fusion and, if necessary,  better detection of neurological complications.
  • Artifact-free visualisation during MRI/CT

Further information:

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Prospekt MediCage_cervical
“mediCage®” -Cervical

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Logo Neuro Spine

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