Product portfolio
Medical products from Medicon
Medical products from Medicon
Designed for OR and reprocessing requirements:
Particularly well known are the Medicon ImplantArt Osteosynthesis systems for plating in oral and maxillofacial surgery, the MediExpand cervical implant system for treatment of the cervical spine, and the Epiplatingsystem for epithesis treatment.
In all surgical disciplines, there are surgical methods where a well-designed special instrument makes the difference and significantly supports medical performance.
Miniaturized instruments for minimally invasive approaches in spine surgery make it possible to combine the use of known surgical techniques with the benefits of minimally invasive surgery (e.g. spinal blocker “Piccolino“, rhinoplasty products (FDC-trocar)).
The use of special materials and the skillful design of special medical instruments support ergonomics and cleanability (e.g. DieBLAUEN punching program, PEN, positioning systems for implants).
The application of instrument principles across disciplines and their technical adaptation enable the implementation of special surgical techniques – e.g. in plastic surgery (PRESTO).
Medicon eG’s expertise has come from decades of manufacturing surgical instruments.
Just as mastery of the fundamentals of surgical technology is essential to the success of surgery in the operating room, mastery of the principles of instrument fabrication is crucial to developing specialized skills.
To ensure performance in the OR, Medicon offers a carefully selected range of standard surgical instruments.
The field-oriented scope of basic instruments for general surgery is supplemented by detailed standard programs with model variations pragmatically adapted to areas of application for
In this way, we meet the expectations of users, distributors, and member companies.
Services related to the maintenance and servicing of surgical instruments support users and sales partners in preserving the value of the set stocks in clinics and practices.
The expertise we have acquired over the decades in all aspects of instrument manufacture makes us specialists in this field as well.
Talk to our specialists.
Our specialized Customer Service will be happy to answer your questions about our product solutions.
This content is intended for healthcare professionals only.
All products advertised by Medicon eG, Tuttlingen comply with the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC (MDD).
Not all products illustrated in this documentation are available for sale in all countries. Please contact your local distributor.
Gänsäcker 15, D-78532 Tuttlingen
2023 Medicon eG.
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