Cages for the spine – cervical and lumbar – complete the Medicon spine program.
Instrument sets and special instruments for technically demanding rhinoplasty.
Reconstruction of the mandible with a microvascular fibular bone graft
Additive cages for the spine – cervical and lumbar – complete the Medicon spine program.
We are
Manufacturer of high-quality implant systems, special surgical instruments and standard instruments.
We are proud of
Use of our products in small and large clinics in over 120 countries and 34 languages. For more than 80 years.
Together we discover the full potential – for clinics and medical practices as well as for distribution partners worldwide.
The Medicon eG is a cooperative based in the Medical Valley in Tuttlingen, Germany. With our member companies and a total of 400 employees, we are manufacturing special surgical instruments and implant systems. Read more about us in our wiki.
11200 St. Johns Ind. Pkwy North #1 Jacksonville, Florida 32246
2023 Medicon eG.
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